lauantai 14. elokuuta 2021

2007 päiväkirja merkintöjä

Päiväkirjasta 18.11.2007

Do you still remember how I used to love you? I looked into your eyes but I saw nothing. I was so full of love but I had no one to give it for. I tried so hard for very long time. And what did I get?

Now you look into my eyes. My eyes are empty. Out of love or hate. You try to reach me but I'm so far, far away from you and everybody. No one will ever reach my mind again. 


Damned, I scream.
Damned is my soul.
It's overfull and empty at the same time.
So full of hate and pain.
But so out of love and happiness.
I try to fill my soul with Your spirit but I'm damned.
Damned as the demon itself.
Dreams and thoughts of good life will keep me on this way.
Even though I wanna go,
I still have so much to do in here.
I ain't ready. Not yet.
But when I am...


Shut up and run

Listen, far away you hear.
Like they already were here.
You don't have to be afraid. 
As long as you see the sun
or heaven so clear.
But when comes the moon, they'll wake.
Ones life is on danger,
but so is yours.
So be carefull of what you wish.
Or you won't ever be his.

There is hope

They took my soul.
They took my heart.
All that is left, is my body.
My empty body
and hate inside it.
I try to scream
but nothing happens.
I try to pray
but no one listens.
And when I take the knife,
and sen the blood
then I feel like something.
Something that lives.
Maybe I am someone after all.


Run and hide, and they'll never find you.
And you'll never face the truth.
But if you walk and scream,
there's no coming back.
Awake, asleep, 
no one cares how you are.
As long as you are. 


I know that I did wrong.
I know that I DO wrong.
But I'm not perfect.
Neather are you.
I'm not sure 
but I think no one is perfect.
Except for Him.
So scream, yell, hit or do what ever.
I won't still get any better.

Viel yks:


To fill the energy.
To reach the top.
To do and undo the things they want.
You have to hate yourself more than anybody.
You have to make yourself want to feel pain and agony.
You don't deserve this life. 
You are too evil.
Gotta stop this.
Gotta make it stop. 
You ain't safe here. 
So go away.
Faid away.
No one needs your stupid fake smile.
No one needs you.

Siinä 15-v Sandran tekstejä. Sisältää varmasti paljon virheitä. Kirjoitin just silleen ku ne luki päiväkirjassa.

Kiitos jos jaksoit lukea kaikki. ❤

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